Tutorial Dog is a tutorial web site that seeks to help people learn Adobe Photoshop, CSS, Javascript, HTML and OS X Tips (and have fun). Tutorial Dog tries to provide the most insightful tips and coolest techniques to advance your knowledge of the subject covered. Having said that, we try to always include a psd (Photoshop Document File) with every Photoshop Tutorial so that you can go hands on with results we show. We also like to give away cool resources such as OS X icons and handy templates for free.


Tutorial Dog has a podcast feed that distributes all the video tutorials on the site. You can even subscribe to it in iTunes. You can also follow the videos on my own Youtube channel. Not only that, you can follow me (Devin, the author of Tutorial Dog) on Flickr and Twitter.



  1. What font’s do you use for the site’s design? The sitet uses the fonts Karabine and Love Ya Like A Sister.
  2. I’m interested in advertising on Tutorial Dog. What do you offer? Tutorial Dog advertises through Text Link Ads, BUT we would rather advertise directly with an interested party. That way, the price is cheaper, and everyone wins. Currently we are accepting image and text ads.
  3. May I republish you tutorials on my site? Please read the copyright, but the short answer is No.

